• Always puts the quality at the first place and strictly supervise the product quality of every process.Always puts the quality at the first place and strictly supervise the product quality of every process.


    Har doim sifatni birinchi o'ringa qo'yadi va har bir jarayonning mahsulot sifatini qat'iy nazorat qiladi.
  • Our Factory has grown into a Premier ISO9001:2008 Certified manufacturer of High quality, Cost-Effective productsOur Factory has grown into a Premier ISO9001:2008 Certified manufacturer of High quality, Cost-Effective products


    Bizning fabrikamiz ISO9001: 2008 sertifikatlangan, yuqori sifatli, iqtisodiy jihatdan arzon mahsulot ishlab chiqaruvchisiga aylandi
  • Dongguan city and has around 180 staffs and 2 factories around 10,000 square meters now.Dongguan city and has around 180 staffs and 2 factories around 10,000 square meters now.

    Ishlab chiqaruvchi

    Dongguan shahri va hozirda taxminan 10 000 kvadrat metr atrofida 180 ta xodim va 2 ta zavod mavjud.


RAISING-Elec 2000 yilda Dongguan shahrining Xoujie shahrida joylashgan va hozirda taxminan 10 000 kvadrat metr atrofida 180 ta xodim va 2 ta zavodga ega. Biz OEM/ODM professional ishlab chiqaruvchisimiz, metallni shtamplash va qayta ishlash va CNC -ga e'tibor qaratamiz, shu bilan birga biz qo'llab -quvvatlovchi xizmatlarni taqdim etamiz va xaridorlarga quyma quyish, mahkamlash kabi metallarning barcha turlarini "bir martalik" qo'llab -quvvatlaymiz.